in Chemnitz
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Using XQuest, an author describes a questionnaire in XML. This XML document is translated into HTML and a corresponding WWW application for internet-based surveys. It is also possible to generate a PDF representation for printing. The used XML schema can be extended in order to create new classes of questions in other fields of application.


  • Version 2.3b progress-bar with sections.
  • Version 2.3a HTML-Update.
  • Version 2.3 major update.
  • Version 2.2a less bugs.
  • Version 2.2 with section, matrixquestions with mixed column-types, renamed txtareaquestion, txtquestion to textareaquestion, textquestion, using of HTML's h1..h6 possible.
  • Version 2.1c less bugs.
  • Version 2.1b with optional textfield in in xor-select-questions.
  • Version 2.1 with user-defined values for certain question-types (Sample XML).
  • Version 2.0 supports CSV-Output and matrixquestions (see sample).
  • Documentation

    At the moment there is only German documentation available.

    Here is a Readme.txt how to use XQuest.

    A tutorial ist availlable too.



    This questionnaire demonstrates all question types. It can be viewed as HTML or XML. Look at this when you want to see the question-ids.

    The database is created automatically with the help of this Script.


    Download xquest 2.3b and Samples here (TGZ, 14kB) or here (ZIP, 25kB)

    testcases (TGZ, 100 kB)